Lake Synevyr from the village of Mizhhirya

Hike to Lake Synevyr from the village of Mizhhirya
Start from the town: Mizhhir'ya
23.2 km
2 days
Level: Amateur
Peaks on the route: Kam'yanka , Ozerna , Menchilik , Kleva
Weather forecast in settlements around the route:
This is one of the routes that can be reached to Lake Synevyr. This route is from Mizhhiria town. You can pas the route in one day in one direction. There to spend the night and to return by the same route or another route to other settlement. If desired, you can go 2 days, the route has places to spend the night.

3D video animation of this route

Денис Бабенко - 2020-10-25 16:32:16
Длинна маршрута 22 км в одну сторону. За день его можно пройти, если на старт выйти часов 10 утра.