Yayko-Perehinske and Moloda mountain

Osmoloda village - Yayko-Perehinske - Moloda - Osmoloda village
Start from the town: Osmoloda
31.6 km
2 days
Level: Amateur
Peaks on the route: Moloda , Yayko-Perehinsyke
Interesting on the route: Гб
Weather forecast in settlements around the route:
Hike to Gorgany to the peaks of Yayko-Perehinske and Moloda. From the village of Osmoloda For 2 days. It is really pass the route in a day without an overnight stay. Overnight at the shelter at the transition between the peaks, there is water.

3D video animation of this route

Паша - 2022-01-22 06:13:58
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