Disscusions about hiking & trekking in the Carpathians

Андрій Любчинський   2021, 22 June, 19:58
Cuties Potatoes   30 April, 19:47
General discussion
Nikolays 23   2021, 9 March, 10:43
Roman Gelembjuk   2023, 1 December, 16:00
General discussion
Андрій Князюк   2022, 19 August, 21:54
Рома Опейда   18 April, 13:30
Mariana Hoshovska   9 March, 16:35
One day hike
Максим Гончарук   24 March, 08:51
General discussion
Dedside Feder   14 February, 09:31
Ілля   28 January, 09:51
General discussion
Лілія Левицька   2021, 30 July, 09:50
Владислав Коротяев   2023, 10 November, 11:39
Vladyslav Ilytchuk   2023, 3 November, 22:11
General discussion
Валентин Влахович   2021, 29 January, 15:13
Fifa0007 ff   2023, 21 August, 18:36
General discussion
Тарас   2023, 1 August, 09:30
Арсен   2023, 7 March, 21:24
Рюкзак    1
ispolin   2022, 29 March, 09:56

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